Tuesday, May 4, 2010

HSBC Africa Supports Project For The Disabled In Orange Farm

Modimo O' Moholo, a workshop and care centre catering to disabled people residing in Orange Farm in the south of Johannesburg, is growing its own good food and boosting levels of food security for disabled members of the Centre, their families and members of the broader community.

Thanks to sponsorship received from HSBC Africa and resulting Permaculture training implemented by environmental public benefit organisation Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA), the Modimo O' Moholo Permaculture Project is due to be launched on the 4th March 2008.

Since its initiation in October 2006, the Modimo O' Moholo Permaculture Project has developed into a vibrant Permaculture garden planted with a large variety of vegetables and herbs. This was done with the full involvement of the Modimo O' Moholo project members who underwent highly practical Permaculture training workshops conducted by FTFA Project Officer, Daniel Chitungo.

"This project has empowered our residents at Modimo O Moholo to grow their own vegetable gardens and through education we have extended this to the greater Orange Farm community," says Thandi Noge, Caregiver and Project Manager of Modimo O Moholo.

Prior to FTFA's intervention, a food garden existed at the project site which had vegetables grown on flat beds and an orchard consisting primarily of peach trees. Since the implemented training the Modimo O' Moholo project members have been made environmentally aware and equipped with Permaculture gardening knowledge and skills. The existing orchard was revamped through mulching and manual irrigation of fruit trees.

Excellent achievements made in the project are due mainly to the high levels of commitment to the project made by the members and the generosity and support of the staff of HSBC who physically assisted the disabled project members in both designing their garden and with the planting of the vegetables and herbs.

"Modimo O Moholo is a special project. It is a beacon of light in an environment that is difficult and challenging for many people. By providing the people within this shelter with the means to sustain themselves in the future, it offers hope not only to them but also to their families and broader Orange Farm community. It is an important project for HSBC because it makes us aware of the difficulty many people in our society face each day and it allows us to express our humanity." Krishna Patel, Group General Manager, Chief Executive Officer, Africa.

Additional funds are being raised by the project members from the sale of surplus vegetables and herbs. These funds are ploughed back into the food garden. Modimo O' Moholo also maintains a number of small-scale industries that include dressmaking, juice production and coffin building that provides the centre and its attendees with additional source of income.

The Modimo O' Moholo Permaculture Project Launch is due to take place on the 4th March 2008 at 11h00am. Should you require further information on the launch, please contact Daniel Chitungo on 011 803 9750 or daniel@trees.org.za.

For interviews, photographs or additional information, please contact:

Lesley Lambert
+27 (0)11 325 5388 (tel)
+27 (0)11 325 5315 (fax)
+27 (0)83 326 2500

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